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Marie-Véronique (MV) Bourque

Projet Qué-Sask

Depuis déjà plusieurs mois, je travaille sur un nouveau projet d'album avec ma bonne amie et superbe guitariste Christine Tassan.

Grâce au support du Conseil des arts du Canada, nous avons pu créer les pièces de notre futur album. Entre mai 2023 et décembre 2023, nous avons amorcé la création à distance de Montréal et Regina puis en janvier 2024, on s'est retrouvées en personne au Domaine Forget de Charlevoix pour continuer notre processus créatif avec Olivier Bussières à la batterie et aux percussons et David Meunier-Roy à la contrebasse et basse électrique. Puis, ensemble nous avons enregistré une démo de 4 pièces au studio du LARC à Québec.

Nous en sommes maintenant à la phase de préparation de l'enregistrement qui aura lieu en février 2025. C'est avec beaucoup de plaisir que nous pouvons maintenant annoncer un partenariat renouvellé avec le Conseil des arts du Canada qui nous donnera un gros coup de pouce au niveau du financement. Un merci du fond du coeur!

Vous voulez en savoir plus sur notre projet? Voici le lien d'une entrevue donnée à Radio-Canada:

''The Shovel Shuffle'' in #1 position on Christmas Songs Radio

#1 bonne christmas song radio
Great news! The ''Shovel Shuffle'' just reached the #1 position on Christmas Songs Radio. Thank you to all of you who requested my song to be played. Now, I need your assistance to stay in #1 until Christmas! Can we make it happen? You just have to follow the link bellow and share with all your friends and family the spirit of the Holidays! A huge thank you for your support!

Bonne nouvelle! Le ''Shovel Shuffle'' vient d'atteindre la position n°1 sur Christmas Songs Radio. Merci à tous ceux qui ont demandé que ma chanson soit jouée. Maintenant, j'ai besoin de votre aide pour rester en n°1 jusqu'à Noël ! Pouvons-nous y arriver ? Il vous suffit de suivre le lien ci-dessous et de partager avec tous vos amis et votre famille l'esprit des Fêtes ! Un immense merci pour votre soutien !


''The Shovel Shuffle'' in #10 position in Australia!

#10 Australia
The Shovel Shuffle made it all the way from Canada to Australia. A huge thank you to Banks Music Promotion, Banks Radio Australia, Sweet Sunday Sounds and VALLEY FM 89.5 for playing my song and sharing the spirit of the Holidays with their listeners. It means a lot to me!

D'une francophonie à l'autre

Episode 3: Marie-Véronique Bourque

Au cours des derniers mois, Louis-Philippe Labrèche (Le Canal Auditif) et Marc-André Mongrain (Sors-tu.ca) ont voyagé à travers le Canada pour découvrir la réalité des artistes francophones qui vivent à l'ouest du Québec. À travers 7 épisodes, les deux passionnés de culture ont découvert des parcours atypiques, des histoires touchantes et des réalités bien différentes de la leur. C'est avec grand plaisir que je partage avec vous l'épisode qui m'est destiné.


Nominée, Gala Trille Or

nominée trille or 2023
De longues heures de travail de création, de pratique, d'investissement et de don de soi récompensées aujourd'hui avec le dévoilement des nominations au Trille Or 2023! Une belle nomination dans la catégorie Jazz auprès de Janie Renée et Les Chiclettes.
Un gros merci à tous ceux qui ont cru en mon projet d'album Entre Québec et Saskatchewan et m'ont aidé à le réaliser: Clément Robichaud, Juan Cruz, Olivier Bussieres, Sylvain Mailloux au Studio LARC, Craig Salkeld, Fred Foerster, Ted Crawford, Jack Semple, Keiran Semple, Daniel Paquet, Andrée Lauzon, Mireille Bourque et Lisa Fitzgibbon.
Merci aussi au Canada Council for the Arts | Conseil des arts du Canada, nous remercions le Conseil des arts du Canada de son soutien, Saskatchewan Arts Board, Conseil culturel fransaskois, APCM et SaskMusic
Félicitations à tous les autres nominés! J'ai hâte de célébrer avec vous en septembre!


Several new musical projects underway! Plusieurs nouveaux projets s'en viennent!

You might be wondering what I'm doing these days. Well, I've been busy practicing and preparing grant applications to do some really exciting projects including attending Pro7ect at Rockfield Studios, UK and attending the NFA International Convention to perform there with the NFA Jazz Flute Big Band in Phoenix, Arizona. But before realizing these projects, there are other things that happen. I will play with the PerSonatori Baroque Ensemble then with the Regina Philharmonic Chorus. Also very soon, I'm going to Quebec to take part in the En Résumé training. There are still several other projects underway which I will tell you about very soon. In the meantime, I invite you to take a look at the 'Events' tab and read the press reviews that have been published about my latest single release 'The Shovel Shuffle'.


Vous vous demandez peut-être ce que je fais ces temps-ci. Et bien, j'ai été particulièrement occupée à pratiquer et préparer des demandes de bourses pour réaliser des projets vraiment excitants dont une participation à Pro7ect au Rockfield Studios, UK et une participation à la conférence internationale de la NFA afin d'y jouer avec la NFA Jazz Flute Big Band à Phoenix, Arizona. Mais avant de réaliser ces projets, il y a d'autres choses qui se passent. Je jouerai avec le PerSonatori Baroque Ensemble puis avec le Regina Philharmonic Chorus. Egalement très bientôt, je m'en vais au Québec afin de participer à la formation En Résumé. Il y a encore plusieurs autres projets en plan dont de vous parlerai trés bientôt. En attendant, je vous invite à jeter un coup d'oeil à l'onglet 'Events' et à prendre connaissance des revues de presse qui ont été faites au sujet de ma dernière sortie de single 'The Shovel Shuffle'.

The Regina Philharmonic Chorus will premiere 'The Shovel Shuffle' in a choir arrangement

February 5, 2PM, Know Metropolitan Church, Regina, SK

This is exciting news!

On February 5, the Regina Philharmonic Chorus will join me to premiere my song ''The Shovel Shuffle'' in an arrangement for choir by Craig Salkeld.

You can find all details under the events tab.

Single release: The Shovel Shuffle

December 2, 2022

The shovel Shuffle
With a winter storm scheduled in Saskatchewan, it is the perfect time to release the video and audio of my new single ''The Shovel Shuffle''! I hope you enjoy it and that it will inspire you as you shovel.. or dream of warmer places.


Youtube Music
Apple Music

Quatuor Jazz Marie-Véronique Bourque

Lancement d'album au Fou-Bar

Finalement, après plus d'un an d'attente, je viens enfin à Québec lancer mon album ''Entre Québec et Saskatchewan'' avec une superbe gang: Clément Robichaud au piano, Juan Cruz à la contrebasse et Michel Boivin à la batterie.
C'est mercredi le 23 novembre à 20h30 au Fou-Bar, 525 rue St-Jean, Québec.

J'ai hâte de vous voir!


invitée avec Christine Tassan et les Imposteures!

The Bassment Saskatoon, November 6, 2022

J'aurai le très grand plaisir d'interpréter quelques chansons avec Christine Tassan et les Imposteures lors du concert qu'ils donneront au Bassment le dimanche 6 novembre prochain.

J'espère que vous pourrez y être!

I will have the great pleasure of performing a few songs with Christine Tassan and the Imposteures during the concert they will be giving at the Bassment on Sunday November 6th.

Hope you can be there!


Concerts coming soon in October!

Regina Public Library, The Artesian on 13th in Regina and Federation des Francophones de Saskatoon

MV Bourque quartet
Very excited about these upcoming shows! For more details, have a look at my Events page!

Super excitée par ces concerts qui s'en viennent très bientôt! Pour plus de détails, visitez ma page d'événements (Events)!

Jazz at the Lake Festival, Sylvan Lake Alberta

Jazz at the Lake
I am excited to be on the line-up with my jazz trio for the Jazz at the Lake Festival. I will be accompanied by two very talented musicians: Andrew Glover on piano and Steve Hoy on drums. Hope to see you out there!
TIME: 1:00-4:00 pm
VENUE: Sweet Home On the Lake, 5000 Lakeshore Drive, Sylvan Lake, AB


Saskatchewan International Jazz Fest

July 2, 12pm

Saskatchewan intl jazz fest
It is with great pleasure that I will take the stage at the Sheraton Cavalier Lawn with Kim Salkeld on piano, Nevin Bueler on bass and Chris Wallace on drums. We hope you can join us in this great JAZZ celebration!


Video recording for ''The Shovel Shuffle''

video recording Darke Hall
We had a pretty good video recording session at Darke Hall, Regina, SK on April 30, 2020. The perfect date to record my new song ''the Shovel Shuffle'' as it was snowy outside. Watch out for the release date when summer is gone and it starts getting colder!

YYC International Jazz Days Festival

Double Bill Derrick Gardner Quarter and Marie-Véronique Bourque Jazz Quartet

7:30 pm
Marie-Véronique Bourque – flute & vocals
Michelle Grégoire – piano
Jeremy Coates – bass
Tyler Hornby - drums

8:45 pm
Derrick E. Gardner – trumpet
Kristian Alexandrov – piano
Rob Hutchinson – bass
Sanah Kadoura - drums

Concert presented at the Festival Hall
1215 10 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2G 0W6

To purchase tickets:

#5 position, 2021 Best Saskatchewan Album of the Year

#5 2021 Best album
Your vote made a difference in my life! Thank you to @saskmusic and to all of you for your support!
I am very honored and happy to share this #5 position with Amanda Hagel and Wolf Willow. Congratulations to all those who also made it the top 10 lead by Hunter Brothers in #1 position

Votre vote a fait une différence dans ma vie! Merci à @saskmusic et à vous tous pour votre soutien !
Je suis très honorée et heureuse de partager cette 5ième position avec Amanda Hagel et Wolf Willow. Félicitations à tous ceux qui ont également fait partie du top 10 mené par Hunter Brothers en première position.


2021 Saskatchewan Music Awards

Nominee ''Experimental and Contemporary Artist of the Year''

Nominee, 2021 Saskatchewan Music Awards Experimental and Contemporary Artist of the Year
What an honor to be nominee for the Saskatchewan Music Awards with my most recent album: Entre Québec & Saskatchewan!

Nominee: Experimental and Contemporary Artist of the Year
(other nominees are Jesse Brown, Factor Eight, Adeoluw and The Faps)

Congratulations to all other nominees! I invite you to visit bourque.red/EntreQuebecAndSaskatchewan to learn more about my album and the wonderful team I had the privilege to work with in the making of it!


A huge thank you to / Un gros merci à:
The Canada Council for The Arts, SaskArts, Le Conseil Culturel Fransaskois, APCM, SaskMusic

My musicians/mes musiciens: Ted Crawford, Fred Foerster, Craig Salkeld, Jack Semple, Olivier Bussière, Juan Cruz and Clément Robichaud
My sound engineers: Keiran Semple and Sylvain Mailloux
Graphic Designer: Andrée Lauzon
Vinyl Cover Artwork: Mireille Bourque
Photos: Daniel Paquet

My music wouldn't be what it is without all of them. Other thank you go to Lisa Fitzgibbon, Leora Joy Perrie, Carol Olmos-McDonald, Michel Lalonde, Paul-Thomas Grenier, Andrew Glover, Nolan McNaughton, Philippe Bouchard my husband and children, my family from here and there and all of you, my friends, my supporters for accompanying me on my journey!

Saskatchewan Music Awards

''Entre Québec & Saskatchewan'' on the long list for ''Best album of the Year'', now is your time to vote!

Saskatchewan Music Awards Best album 2021
From all the qualifying full-length album submissions received this year, jurors selected our Long List of 37 albums. Now it is time for the public to determine the Top Ten of 2021, and ultimately the recipient of Album of the Year. Music lovers are encouraged to discover new albums and then vote for their favourites before the midnight December 16/21 deadline. Only one vote per email/IP address will be counted for the duration of the voting period.

A sample playlist of the Long List is available on Spotify ( “SaskMusic Ziggy”) and YouTube.

The Top 10 albums will be announced via SaskMusic's social media the week of December 20. More information and voting information is available at www.SaskatchewanMusicAwards.com.

To vote, click on the following link:

Thank you for your support!

2021 NFA Jazz Flute Big Band Concert

I am thrilled to share with you the Jazz Flute Big Band concert we presented during the National Flute Convention. I hope you enjoy it. I was very proud to be selected as one of the soloists on ''Impressions'' from John Coltrane.

Je suis ravie de partager avec vous le concert du Jazz Flute Big Band que nous avons présenté lors de la Convention nationale de flûte. J'espère que cette performance vous plaira. J'étais très fière d'avoir été sélectionnée en tant que soliste pour ''Impressions'' de John Coltrane.


Nouvel album / New album ''Entre Québec & Saskatchewan''

album cd
Vous pouvez finalement le toucher, le posséder!

Mon nouvel album est maintenant disponible sur toutes les plateformes numériques! Vous pouvez également vous procurer votre copie CD ou vinyle de ‘'Entre Québec & Saskatchewan'' à travers mon site web de lancement bourque.red/EntreQuebecAndSaskatchewan/F

je vous invite à vous immerger dans mon univers musical en naviguant sur ce site. Vous pourrez y découvrir les musiciens et les chansons de l'album à travers des textes, photos, quiz, jeux et vidéos, avoir accès à des entrevues et revues de presse.

You can finally touch it, own it!

My new album is now available on all digital platforms! You can also purchase your CD or vinyl copy of ‘'Entre Québec & Saskatchewan' through my launch website

I invite you to immerse yourself in my musical universe by browsing this site. You will be able to discover the musicians and songs of the album through texts, photos, quizzes, games and videos, have access to interviews and press reviews.

Grant from the Saskatchewan Arts Board

Saskatchewan Arts Board
Thank you to the Saskatchewan Arts Board for the grant received and for allowing me to attend the Ali Ryerson Jazz Flute Masterclass presented online in partnership with the Hidden Vally Music Seminars , California, USA.

The Masterclass is held from January 3 to January 8, 2021.


Happy New Year!

To all of you, I want to wish a Happy New Year 2021! May this year be filled with love, music, moments to cherish and discoveries. May you be healthy and feel peace and lightness in your heart. Finally, may you find the strenght to overcome any challenge you might face!

New Project: Ruby Plays

New Project: Ruby Plays
I just started a new project on my Youtube channel called ''Ruby Plays''. I invite you to visit my channel. If you like what you see, please make sure you press ''like'' and subscribe to make sure you don't miss on any of Ruby's adventures. By subscribing, you will also support my art. Thank you very much!


Grant from the Canada Council for the Arts

Canada Council for the Arts
It feels so good to see one's work rewarded!

I just received a beautiful and significant Christmas present from the Canada Council for the Arts: A grant for the production of my album Entre Québec & Saskatchewan!
This financial support and recognition as an artist really comes at a crucial time in my career. Thank you to the Canada Council for the Arts!

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

Showcasing at Contact Ouest 20 2.0

On November 18, 2020 at 13:30 Manitoba Normal Time

Contact Ouest 20 2.0

So excited! I will have the great pleasure to present a showcase during Contact Ouest 20 2.0. For the occasion, I will be accompanied by Ted Crawford, Fred Foerster and Craig Salkeld!


COVID-19 Facebook shows now here!

COVID-19 Video Marie-Véronique Bourque
Since the beginning of the pandemic, I have been been recording short live shows on facebook, hoping to bring comfort, peace and joy to all during these difficult times!

Videos of more than 20 shows are now available to view on this website under the Audio/Video tab.

BreakOut West 2020, Highlight Artist

Highlight Artist
The BreakOut West

I am very proud to be one of the Highlight Artists of the 2020 Edition!


Bossa for a Rough Time

Bossa pour un temps difficile for a rough time
It is my great pleasure to announce the release of Bossa for a Rough Time / Bossa pour un Temps Difficile.

This song was written for my dear friend Carol. Today, it is intended for all those who are going through a rough time with the current state of the world.

Recorded in Regina, the song brings together Saskatchewan artists Marie-Véronique Bourque (flute and voice), Jack Semple (guitar), Craig Salkeld (piano), Ted Crawford (drums) and Fred Foerster (double bass). Sound Engineer, mixing and mastering: Keiran Semple


A Darkling Shore

A Darkling Shore - Will Cox
I am thrilled to share the release of Will Cox's first album. Recorded in September 2019, in Oxford, UK, the album features Will Cox, Christian Mountney, Damon Sawyer, Jerry Soffe, Nick Moorbath, Orlando Harrison, Hammond Rhodes, Jon Fletcher, Jane Griffiths, Barney Morse-Brown, Lily Dior, Lisa Fitzgibbon, Lina Horner, Harry Osborne and myself.

Produced by Nick Moorbath & Lisa Fitzgibbon at Evolution Recording Studios, Oxford, UK. Engineered & mixed by Nick Moorbath, Mastered by Tim Turan at Turan Audio.

You can hear me playing on the following tracks: Kick, Sandman in our Street, Philomel, Stormy Sky and Note to Self.

Album available on Spotify, CD Baby, Amazon, Youtube and Deezer.


Semi-Finalist, 2019 Unsigned Only Music Competition

Semi-Finalist, 2019 Unsigned Only Music Competition
The Unsigned Only Music Competition is an international competition for Unsigned artists.

Unsigned Only is a unique music competition designed for solo artists, bands, and singers all over the world who are not signed to a major label record company or any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, or imprints. The goal of Unsigned Only is to find an outstanding, talented performer: a band, singer, or solo artist...a newcomer or veteran...raw or polished - the “gem” that needs to be discovered. Unsigned Only is looking for the total package.

Conceived of and produced by the team who bring you the prestigious International Songwriting Competition (ISC), Unsigned Only is a fresh and novel approach to other music competitions.

Link to Unsigned Only Semi-Finalists

#5 Position, 2018 Best Saskatchewan Album of The Year

saskmusic best album 2018 - 5 Une porte s'ouvre
It is my great pleasure to share with you that my album ''Une porte s'ouvre'' was awarded #5 position for the 2018 Best Saskatchewan Album of the Year. A huge thank you to everyone who voted for my album. It means so much to me. Congratulations to Belle Plaine who was awarded the 1st position and to all the other artists who made it to the Top 10!


MV Bourque - flûtiste is a flutist who has been active on the music scene for more than 25 years. Boasting an impressive array of accolades including awards, education accomplishments and symphony gigs, Une porte s'ouvre (‘A door opens') is her debut album, produced by Tyler Hornby at OCL Studios, Calgary. Dedicated to French jazz, the album is composed of nine tracks - three original pieces mixed with an assortment of covers from artists such as Charles Aznavour, Serge Gainsbourg, Michel Legrand and Moe Koffman. The track “Excusez-Moi” (featuring Marie-Noëlle Claveau on vocals), was written in collaboration with Michelle Gregoire, and was a Semi-Finalist in the 2018 Canadian Songwriting Competition.

Marie-Véronique calls on some heavy hitters to accompany her flawless flute playing on the album, incredible musicians from Calgary, Regina and Quebec: Michelle Grégoire (piano), Jeremy Coates (double bass), Tyler Hornby (drums), Jack Semple (electric guitar), Mark DeJong (tenor sax), Marie-Noëlle Claveau (voice). This instrumental album is a treat to listen to from beginning to end, and is a welcome addition to the versatile musician's experiences with classical, Baroque, folk, world, traditional French, cabaret and blues stylings. With such a wide array of instrumental capabilities and stylistic elements, we can't wait to see what she does next.


Saskatchewan Music Awards 2018

Saskatchewan Music Awards
I am very thankful to have been nominated for the 2018 Saskatchewan Music Award in the category Avant Garde / Experimental Artist of the Year. Congratulations to Respectfulchild who won the Award in this category and to all other Awards winners.

Une Porte s'ouvre

CD Cover - Une porte s'ouvre
I am very happy to share the new release of my first Jazz album!

Une Porte s'ouvre is dedicated to French Jazz and features herself on flute. I am accompanied by incredible musicians: Michelle Grégoire, Jeremy Coates, Tyler Hornby, Jack Semple, Mark DeJong, and Marie-Noëlle Claveau

The album contains nine tracks. Three of them are originals and include ‘'Excusez-moi'' written in collaboration with Michelle Gregoire. This song won a semi-final award at the Canadian songwriting Competition 2018. Other tracks include songs from Charles Aznavour, Serge Gainsbourg, Claude Nougaro, Michel Legrand, Maurice Ravel, and Moe Koffman.

More info: bourque.red/Porte
Plus d'information: bourque.red/Album (en français)


You can buy this album now.

The CD, online with
Paypal (20$ + 5$ shipping)

Digital version on

Logo Download iTunes

Digital version on
Google Play

Logo Google Play

Digital version on

Logo Spotify

Marie-Véronique (MV) Bourque

Projet Qué-Sask

Depuis déjà plusieurs mois, je travaille sur un nouveau projet d'album avec ma bonne amie et superbe guitariste Christine Tassan.

Grâce au support du Conseil des arts du Canada, nous avons pu créer les pièces de notre futur album. Entre mai 2023 et décembre 2023, nous avons amorcé la création à distance de Montréal et Regina puis en janvier 2024, on s'est retrouvées en personne au Domaine Forget de Charlevoix pour continuer notre processus créatif avec Olivier Bussières à la batterie et aux percussons et David Meunier-Roy à la contrebasse et basse électrique. Puis, ensemble nous avons enregistré une démo de 4 pièces au studio du LARC à Québec.

Nous en sommes maintenant à la phase de préparation de l'enregistrement qui aura lieu en février 2025. C'est avec beaucoup de plaisir que nous pouvons maintenant annoncer un partenariat renouvellé avec le Conseil des arts du Canada qui nous donnera un gros coup de pouce au niveau du financement. Un merci du fond du coeur!

Vous voulez en savoir plus sur notre projet? Voici le lien d'une entrevue donnée à Radio-Canada:

''The Shovel Shuffle'' in #1 position on Christmas Songs Radio

#1 bonne christmas song radio
Great news! The ''Shovel Shuffle'' just reached the #1 position on Christmas Songs Radio. Thank you to all of you who requested my song to be played. Now, I need your assistance to stay in #1 until Christmas! Can we make it happen? You just have to follow the link bellow and share with all your friends and family the spirit of the Holidays! A huge thank you for your support!

Bonne nouvelle! Le ''Shovel Shuffle'' vient d'atteindre la position n°1 sur Christmas Songs Radio. Merci à tous ceux qui ont demandé que ma chanson soit jouée. Maintenant, j'ai besoin de votre aide pour rester en n°1 jusqu'à Noël ! Pouvons-nous y arriver ? Il vous suffit de suivre le lien ci-dessous et de partager avec tous vos amis et votre famille l'esprit des Fêtes ! Un immense merci pour votre soutien !


''The Shovel Shuffle'' in #10 position in Australia!

#10 Australia
The Shovel Shuffle made it all the way from Canada to Australia. A huge thank you to Banks Music Promotion, Banks Radio Australia, Sweet Sunday Sounds and VALLEY FM 89.5 for playing my song and sharing the spirit of the Holidays with their listeners. It means a lot to me!

D'une francophonie à l'autre

Episode 3: Marie-Véronique Bourque

Au cours des derniers mois, Louis-Philippe Labrèche (Le Canal Auditif) et Marc-André Mongrain (Sors-tu.ca) ont voyagé à travers le Canada pour découvrir la réalité des artistes francophones qui vivent à l'ouest du Québec. À travers 7 épisodes, les deux passionnés de culture ont découvert des parcours atypiques, des histoires touchantes et des réalités bien différentes de la leur. C'est avec grand plaisir que je partage avec vous l'épisode qui m'est destiné.


Nominée, Gala Trille Or

nominée trille or 2023
De longues heures de travail de création, de pratique, d'investissement et de don de soi récompensées aujourd'hui avec le dévoilement des nominations au Trille Or 2023! Une belle nomination dans la catégorie Jazz auprès de Janie Renée et Les Chiclettes.
Un gros merci à tous ceux qui ont cru en mon projet d'album Entre Québec et Saskatchewan et m'ont aidé à le réaliser: Clément Robichaud, Juan Cruz, Olivier Bussieres, Sylvain Mailloux au Studio LARC, Craig Salkeld, Fred Foerster, Ted Crawford, Jack Semple, Keiran Semple, Daniel Paquet, Andrée Lauzon, Mireille Bourque et Lisa Fitzgibbon.
Merci aussi au Canada Council for the Arts | Conseil des arts du Canada, nous remercions le Conseil des arts du Canada de son soutien, Saskatchewan Arts Board, Conseil culturel fransaskois, APCM et SaskMusic
Félicitations à tous les autres nominés! J'ai hâte de célébrer avec vous en septembre!


Several new musical projects underway! Plusieurs nouveaux projets s'en viennent!

You might be wondering what I'm doing these days. Well, I've been busy practicing and preparing grant applications to do some really exciting projects including attending Pro7ect at Rockfield Studios, UK and attending the NFA International Convention to perform there with the NFA Jazz Flute Big Band in Phoenix, Arizona. But before realizing these projects, there are other things that happen. I will play with the PerSonatori Baroque Ensemble then with the Regina Philharmonic Chorus. Also very soon, I'm going to Quebec to take part in the En Résumé training. There are still several other projects underway which I will tell you about very soon. In the meantime, I invite you to take a look at the 'Events' tab and read the press reviews that have been published about my latest single release 'The Shovel Shuffle'.


Vous vous demandez peut-être ce que je fais ces temps-ci. Et bien, j'ai été particulièrement occupée à pratiquer et préparer des demandes de bourses pour réaliser des projets vraiment excitants dont une participation à Pro7ect au Rockfield Studios, UK et une participation à la conférence internationale de la NFA afin d'y jouer avec la NFA Jazz Flute Big Band à Phoenix, Arizona. Mais avant de réaliser ces projets, il y a d'autres choses qui se passent. Je jouerai avec le PerSonatori Baroque Ensemble puis avec le Regina Philharmonic Chorus. Egalement très bientôt, je m'en vais au Québec afin de participer à la formation En Résumé. Il y a encore plusieurs autres projets en plan dont de vous parlerai trés bientôt. En attendant, je vous invite à jeter un coup d'oeil à l'onglet 'Events' et à prendre connaissance des revues de presse qui ont été faites au sujet de ma dernière sortie de single 'The Shovel Shuffle'.

The Regina Philharmonic Chorus will premiere 'The Shovel Shuffle' in a choir arrangement

February 5, 2PM, Know Metropolitan Church, Regina, SK

This is exciting news!

On February 5, the Regina Philharmonic Chorus will join me to premiere my song ''The Shovel Shuffle'' in an arrangement for choir by Craig Salkeld.

You can find all details under the events tab.

Single release: The Shovel Shuffle

December 2, 2022

The shovel Shuffle
With a winter storm scheduled in Saskatchewan, it is the perfect time to release the video and audio of my new single ''The Shovel Shuffle''! I hope you enjoy it and that it will inspire you as you shovel.. or dream of warmer places.


Youtube Music
Apple Music

Quatuor Jazz Marie-Véronique Bourque

Lancement d'album au Fou-Bar

Finalement, après plus d'un an d'attente, je viens enfin à Québec lancer mon album ''Entre Québec et Saskatchewan'' avec une superbe gang: Clément Robichaud au piano, Juan Cruz à la contrebasse et Michel Boivin à la batterie.
C'est mercredi le 23 novembre à 20h30 au Fou-Bar, 525 rue St-Jean, Québec.

J'ai hâte de vous voir!


invitée avec Christine Tassan et les Imposteures!

The Bassment Saskatoon, November 6, 2022

J'aurai le très grand plaisir d'interpréter quelques chansons avec Christine Tassan et les Imposteures lors du concert qu'ils donneront au Bassment le dimanche 6 novembre prochain.

J'espère que vous pourrez y être!

I will have the great pleasure of performing a few songs with Christine Tassan and the Imposteures during the concert they will be giving at the Bassment on Sunday November 6th.

Hope you can be there!


Concerts coming soon in October!

Regina Public Library, The Artesian on 13th in Regina and Federation des Francophones de Saskatoon

MV Bourque quartet
Very excited about these upcoming shows! For more details, have a look at my Events page!

Super excitée par ces concerts qui s'en viennent très bientôt! Pour plus de détails, visitez ma page d'événements (Events)!

Jazz at the Lake Festival, Sylvan Lake Alberta

Jazz at the Lake
I am excited to be on the line-up with my jazz trio for the Jazz at the Lake Festival. I will be accompanied by two very talented musicians: Andrew Glover on piano and Steve Hoy on drums. Hope to see you out there!
TIME: 1:00-4:00 pm
VENUE: Sweet Home On the Lake, 5000 Lakeshore Drive, Sylvan Lake, AB


Saskatchewan International Jazz Fest

July 2, 12pm

Saskatchewan intl jazz fest
It is with great pleasure that I will take the stage at the Sheraton Cavalier Lawn with Kim Salkeld on piano, Nevin Bueler on bass and Chris Wallace on drums. We hope you can join us in this great JAZZ celebration!


Video recording for ''The Shovel Shuffle''

video recording Darke Hall
We had a pretty good video recording session at Darke Hall, Regina, SK on April 30, 2020. The perfect date to record my new song ''the Shovel Shuffle'' as it was snowy outside. Watch out for the release date when summer is gone and it starts getting colder!

YYC International Jazz Days Festival

Double Bill Derrick Gardner Quarter and Marie-Véronique Bourque Jazz Quartet

7:30 pm
Marie-Véronique Bourque – flute & vocals
Michelle Grégoire – piano
Jeremy Coates – bass
Tyler Hornby - drums

8:45 pm
Derrick E. Gardner – trumpet
Kristian Alexandrov – piano
Rob Hutchinson – bass
Sanah Kadoura - drums

Concert presented at the Festival Hall
1215 10 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2G 0W6

To purchase tickets:

#5 position, 2021 Best Saskatchewan Album of the Year

#5 2021 Best album
Your vote made a difference in my life! Thank you to @saskmusic and to all of you for your support!
I am very honored and happy to share this #5 position with Amanda Hagel and Wolf Willow. Congratulations to all those who also made it the top 10 lead by Hunter Brothers in #1 position

Votre vote a fait une différence dans ma vie! Merci à @saskmusic et à vous tous pour votre soutien !
Je suis très honorée et heureuse de partager cette 5ième position avec Amanda Hagel et Wolf Willow. Félicitations à tous ceux qui ont également fait partie du top 10 mené par Hunter Brothers en première position.


2021 Saskatchewan Music Awards

Nominee ''Experimental and Contemporary Artist of the Year''

Nominee, 2021 Saskatchewan Music Awards Experimental and Contemporary Artist of the Year
What an honor to be nominee for the Saskatchewan Music Awards with my most recent album: Entre Québec & Saskatchewan!

Nominee: Experimental and Contemporary Artist of the Year
(other nominees are Jesse Brown, Factor Eight, Adeoluw and The Faps)

Congratulations to all other nominees! I invite you to visit bourque.red/EntreQuebecAndSaskatchewan to learn more about my album and the wonderful team I had the privilege to work with in the making of it!


A huge thank you to / Un gros merci à:
The Canada Council for The Arts, SaskArts, Le Conseil Culturel Fransaskois, APCM, SaskMusic

My musicians/mes musiciens: Ted Crawford, Fred Foerster, Craig Salkeld, Jack Semple, Olivier Bussière, Juan Cruz and Clément Robichaud
My sound engineers: Keiran Semple and Sylvain Mailloux
Graphic Designer: Andrée Lauzon
Vinyl Cover Artwork: Mireille Bourque
Photos: Daniel Paquet

My music wouldn't be what it is without all of them. Other thank you go to Lisa Fitzgibbon, Leora Joy Perrie, Carol Olmos-McDonald, Michel Lalonde, Paul-Thomas Grenier, Andrew Glover, Nolan McNaughton, Philippe Bouchard my husband and children, my family from here and there and all of you, my friends, my supporters for accompanying me on my journey!

Saskatchewan Music Awards

''Entre Québec & Saskatchewan'' on the long list for ''Best album of the Year'', now is your time to vote!

Saskatchewan Music Awards Best album 2021
From all the qualifying full-length album submissions received this year, jurors selected our Long List of 37 albums. Now it is time for the public to determine the Top Ten of 2021, and ultimately the recipient of Album of the Year. Music lovers are encouraged to discover new albums and then vote for their favourites before the midnight December 16/21 deadline. Only one vote per email/IP address will be counted for the duration of the voting period.

A sample playlist of the Long List is available on Spotify ( “SaskMusic Ziggy”) and YouTube.

The Top 10 albums will be announced via SaskMusic's social media the week of December 20. More information and voting information is available at www.SaskatchewanMusicAwards.com.

To vote, click on the following link:

Thank you for your support!

2021 NFA Jazz Flute Big Band Concert

I am thrilled to share with you the Jazz Flute Big Band concert we presented during the National Flute Convention. I hope you enjoy it. I was very proud to be selected as one of the soloists on ''Impressions'' from John Coltrane.

Je suis ravie de partager avec vous le concert du Jazz Flute Big Band que nous avons présenté lors de la Convention nationale de flûte. J'espère que cette performance vous plaira. J'étais très fière d'avoir été sélectionnée en tant que soliste pour ''Impressions'' de John Coltrane.


Nouvel album / New album ''Entre Québec & Saskatchewan''

album cd
Vous pouvez finalement le toucher, le posséder!

Mon nouvel album est maintenant disponible sur toutes les plateformes numériques! Vous pouvez également vous procurer votre copie CD ou vinyle de ‘'Entre Québec & Saskatchewan'' à travers mon site web de lancement bourque.red/EntreQuebecAndSaskatchewan/F

je vous invite à vous immerger dans mon univers musical en naviguant sur ce site. Vous pourrez y découvrir les musiciens et les chansons de l'album à travers des textes, photos, quiz, jeux et vidéos, avoir accès à des entrevues et revues de presse.

You can finally touch it, own it!

My new album is now available on all digital platforms! You can also purchase your CD or vinyl copy of ‘'Entre Québec & Saskatchewan' through my launch website

I invite you to immerse yourself in my musical universe by browsing this site. You will be able to discover the musicians and songs of the album through texts, photos, quizzes, games and videos, have access to interviews and press reviews.

Grant from the Saskatchewan Arts Board

Saskatchewan Arts Board
Thank you to the Saskatchewan Arts Board for the grant received and for allowing me to attend the Ali Ryerson Jazz Flute Masterclass presented online in partnership with the Hidden Vally Music Seminars , California, USA.

The Masterclass is held from January 3 to January 8, 2021.


Happy New Year!

To all of you, I want to wish a Happy New Year 2021! May this year be filled with love, music, moments to cherish and discoveries. May you be healthy and feel peace and lightness in your heart. Finally, may you find the strenght to overcome any challenge you might face!

New Project: Ruby Plays

New Project: Ruby Plays
I just started a new project on my Youtube channel called ''Ruby Plays''. I invite you to visit my channel. If you like what you see, please make sure you press ''like'' and subscribe to make sure you don't miss on any of Ruby's adventures. By subscribing, you will also support my art. Thank you very much!


Grant from the Canada Council for the Arts

Canada Council for the Arts
It feels so good to see one's work rewarded!

I just received a beautiful and significant Christmas present from the Canada Council for the Arts: A grant for the production of my album Entre Québec & Saskatchewan!
This financial support and recognition as an artist really comes at a crucial time in my career. Thank you to the Canada Council for the Arts!

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

Showcasing at Contact Ouest 20 2.0

On November 18, 2020 at 13:30 Manitoba Normal Time

Contact Ouest 20 2.0

So excited! I will have the great pleasure to present a showcase during Contact Ouest 20 2.0. For the occasion, I will be accompanied by Ted Crawford, Fred Foerster and Craig Salkeld!


COVID-19 Facebook shows now here!

COVID-19 Video Marie-Véronique Bourque
Since the beginning of the pandemic, I have been been recording short live shows on facebook, hoping to bring comfort, peace and joy to all during these difficult times!

Videos of more than 20 shows are now available to view on this website under the Audio/Video tab.

BreakOut West 2020, Highlight Artist

Highlight Artist
The BreakOut West

I am very proud to be one of the Highlight Artists of the 2020 Edition!


Bossa for a Rough Time

Bossa pour un temps difficile for a rough time
It is my great pleasure to announce the release of Bossa for a Rough Time / Bossa pour un Temps Difficile.

This song was written for my dear friend Carol. Today, it is intended for all those who are going through a rough time with the current state of the world.

Recorded in Regina, the song brings together Saskatchewan artists Marie-Véronique Bourque (flute and voice), Jack Semple (guitar), Craig Salkeld (piano), Ted Crawford (drums) and Fred Foerster (double bass). Sound Engineer, mixing and mastering: Keiran Semple


A Darkling Shore

A Darkling Shore - Will Cox
I am thrilled to share the release of Will Cox's first album. Recorded in September 2019, in Oxford, UK, the album features Will Cox, Christian Mountney, Damon Sawyer, Jerry Soffe, Nick Moorbath, Orlando Harrison, Hammond Rhodes, Jon Fletcher, Jane Griffiths, Barney Morse-Brown, Lily Dior, Lisa Fitzgibbon, Lina Horner, Harry Osborne and myself.

Produced by Nick Moorbath & Lisa Fitzgibbon at Evolution Recording Studios, Oxford, UK. Engineered & mixed by Nick Moorbath, Mastered by Tim Turan at Turan Audio.

You can hear me playing on the following tracks: Kick, Sandman in our Street, Philomel, Stormy Sky and Note to Self.

Album available on Spotify, CD Baby, Amazon, Youtube and Deezer.


Semi-Finalist, 2019 Unsigned Only Music Competition

Semi-Finalist, 2019 Unsigned Only Music Competition
The Unsigned Only Music Competition is an international competition for Unsigned artists.

Unsigned Only is a unique music competition designed for solo artists, bands, and singers all over the world who are not signed to a major label record company or any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, or imprints. The goal of Unsigned Only is to find an outstanding, talented performer: a band, singer, or solo artist...a newcomer or veteran...raw or polished - the “gem” that needs to be discovered. Unsigned Only is looking for the total package.

Conceived of and produced by the team who bring you the prestigious International Songwriting Competition (ISC), Unsigned Only is a fresh and novel approach to other music competitions.

Link to Unsigned Only Semi-Finalists

#5 Position, 2018 Best Saskatchewan Album of The Year

saskmusic best album 2018 - 5 Une porte s'ouvre
It is my great pleasure to share with you that my album ''Une porte s'ouvre'' was awarded #5 position for the 2018 Best Saskatchewan Album of the Year. A huge thank you to everyone who voted for my album. It means so much to me. Congratulations to Belle Plaine who was awarded the 1st position and to all the other artists who made it to the Top 10!


MV Bourque - flûtiste is a flutist who has been active on the music scene for more than 25 years. Boasting an impressive array of accolades including awards, education accomplishments and symphony gigs, Une porte s'ouvre (‘A door opens') is her debut album, produced by Tyler Hornby at OCL Studios, Calgary. Dedicated to French jazz, the album is composed of nine tracks - three original pieces mixed with an assortment of covers from artists such as Charles Aznavour, Serge Gainsbourg, Michel Legrand and Moe Koffman. The track “Excusez-Moi” (featuring Marie-Noëlle Claveau on vocals), was written in collaboration with Michelle Gregoire, and was a Semi-Finalist in the 2018 Canadian Songwriting Competition.

Marie-Véronique calls on some heavy hitters to accompany her flawless flute playing on the album, incredible musicians from Calgary, Regina and Quebec: Michelle Grégoire (piano), Jeremy Coates (double bass), Tyler Hornby (drums), Jack Semple (electric guitar), Mark DeJong (tenor sax), Marie-Noëlle Claveau (voice). This instrumental album is a treat to listen to from beginning to end, and is a welcome addition to the versatile musician's experiences with classical, Baroque, folk, world, traditional French, cabaret and blues stylings. With such a wide array of instrumental capabilities and stylistic elements, we can't wait to see what she does next.


Saskatchewan Music Awards 2018

Saskatchewan Music Awards
I am very thankful to have been nominated for the 2018 Saskatchewan Music Award in the category Avant Garde / Experimental Artist of the Year. Congratulations to Respectfulchild who won the Award in this category and to all other Awards winners.

Une Porte s'ouvre

CD Cover - Une porte s'ouvre
I am very happy to share the new release of my first Jazz album!

Une Porte s'ouvre is dedicated to French Jazz and features herself on flute. I am accompanied by incredible musicians: Michelle Grégoire, Jeremy Coates, Tyler Hornby, Jack Semple, Mark DeJong, and Marie-Noëlle Claveau

The album contains nine tracks. Three of them are originals and include ‘'Excusez-moi'' written in collaboration with Michelle Gregoire. This song won a semi-final award at the Canadian songwriting Competition 2018. Other tracks include songs from Charles Aznavour, Serge Gainsbourg, Claude Nougaro, Michel Legrand, Maurice Ravel, and Moe Koffman.

More info: bourque.red/Porte
Plus d'information: bourque.red/Album (en français)


You can buy this album now.

The CD, online with
Paypal (20$ + 5$ shipping)

Digital version on

Logo Download iTunes

Digital version on
Google Play

Logo Google Play

Digital version on

Logo Spotify



Marie-Véronique (MV) Bourque, an extremely talented artist from Saskatchewan, is not afraid to think and act outside the box. Her original songs and unique interpretations of jazz standards (by flute and voice) pair beautifully with her musical genre that can be described as ‘Metis Jazz'.A 2023 Trille Or nominee and a winner of the Jazz Flute Big Band competition organized by the National Flute Association, Marie-Véronique was featured artist during the International Jazz Days Festival in Calgary and Saskatchewan International Jazz Festival in Saskatoon in 2021, she was also a Saskatchewan Music Awards nominee. Her two albums: ''Entre Québec & Saskatchewan'' (2021) and ''Une porte s'ouvre'' (2018), were both voted #5 ‘'Best Saskatchewan Album of the Year'' and landed in the top 10 of the national jazz chart on !Earshot. The song 'Excusez-moi', co-written with Michelle Gregoire, was a semi-finalist in the Unsigned Only Competition. Her Holiday song ''The Shovel Shuffle'' landed in #10 position in Australia and in #1 position on Christmas Songs Radio.In 2019, MV was brought to Oxford (UK) for a recording session on Will Cox's debutalbum, “A Darkling Shore”. The session also included a number of other accomplished artists including Orlando Harrison (Alabama 3) and Lily Dior. This invitation came about after MV's participation in Pro7ect – a songwriters' and producers' retreat in Brighton, UK.In 2018, Marie-Véronique had the privilege to do the opening act for Carol Welsman. Since, she has also been invited as a guest artist with Christine Tassan et les Imposteures.Marie-Véronique is a member of the Regina Symphony Orchestra. She is also part of the Quarter Tones Flute Ensemble and they released an album, “Combine” in 2015. MV has toured throughout Switzerland, France, as well as in Québec, Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan.In 1992, MV auditioned for and won a place as a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, RCMP band. After its disbanding Marie-Véronique continued to serve as a police officer for more than 25 years. Her own musical journey continued.Born and raised in Québec, she studied classical music at the Conservatoire de musique de Québec where she was awarded First Prizes in flute and chamber music.Marie-Véronique found jazz in 2012 and trained first at the Carleton University Jazz Camp (2015), then in 2016 she continued at France's Dordogne International Jazz Summer School. The following year (2017) MV attended the Ambrose University Jazz Camp and since 2018 until present she has trained at the Ali Ryerson Jazz Flute Seminars in Hidden Valley, California. ----Marie-Véronique (MV) Bourque, une artiste extrêmement talentueuse de la Saskatchewan, n'a pas peur de sortir des sentiers battus. Ses chansons originales et ses interprétations uniques de standards de jazz (à la flûte et à la voix) se marient à merveille avec son genre musical qui peut être décrit comme « Jazz métissé ».Nominée au Trille Or 2023 et lauréate du concours Jazz Flute Big Band organisé par la National Flute Association, Marie-Véronique a été artiste invitée lors de l'International Jazz Days Festival à Calgary et du Saskatchewan International Jazz Festival à Saskatoon, En 2021, elle a également été nominée aux Saskatchewan Music Awards.Ses deux albums : ''Entre Québec & Saskatchewan'' (2021) et ''Une porte s'ouvre'' (2018), ont tous deux été votés #5 ''Meilleur album de l'année en Saskatchewan'' et se sont classés dans le top 10 du palmarès national du jazz sur !Earshot. La chanson 'Excusez-moi', co-écrite avec Michelle Gregoire, s'est positionnée en demi-finale du Unsigned Only Competition. Sa chanson hivernale ''The Shovel Shuffle'' s'est positionnée en 10ième position en Australie et en 1ière position sur Christmas Songs Radio.comEn 2019, MV a été invitée à Oxford (Royaume-Uni) pour une session d'enregistrement sur l'album de Will Cox 'A Darkling Shore'. La session comprenait également plusieurs autres artistes accomplis, dont Orlando Harrison (Alabama 3) et Lily Dior. Cette invitation est venue après la participation de MV à Pro7ect - une retraite d'auteurs-compositeurs et de producteurs à Brighton, au Royaume-Uni.En 2018, Marie-Véronique a eu le privilège de faire la première partie de Carol Welsman. Depuis, elle a également été l'invitée de Christine Tassan et les Imposteures.Marie-Véronique est membre de l'Orchestre symphonique de Regina. Elle fait également partie du Quarter Tones Flute Ensemble avec lequel elle a sorti l'album, 'Combine' en 2015. MV a tourné à travers la Suisse, la France, ainsi qu'au Québec, au Manitoba, en Alberta et en Saskatchewan.En 1992, MV a auditionné et a remporté une place en tant que membre de l'orchestre de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada. Après sa dissolution, Marie-Véronique a continué à servir comme policière pendant plus de 25 ans tout en continuant sa carrière musicale en parallèle.Née et ayant grandi au Québec, elle a étudié la musique classique au Conservatoire de musique de Québec où elle a obtenu des Premiers prix en flûte et en musique de chambre.Marie-Véronique découvre le jazz en 2012 et suit des formations d'abord au Carleton University Jazz Camp (2015), puis en 2016, elle suit un stage à l'École d'été internationale de jazz de la Dordogne en France. L'année suivante (2017), MV participe au camp de jazz de l'Université Ambrose et depuis 2018 jusqu'à aujourd'hui, elle poursuit sa formation en participant aux séminaires de flûte jazz donnés par Ali Ryerson au Hidden Valley Music Seminars en Californie.


Marie-Véronique (MV) Bourque, an extremely talented artist from Saskatchewan, is not afraid to think and act outside the box. Her original songs and unique interpretations of jazz standards (by flute and voice) pair beautifully with her musical genre that can be described as ‘Metis Jazz'.A 2023 Trille Or nominee and a winner of the Jazz Flute Big Band competition organized by the National Flute Association, Marie-Véronique was featured artist during the International Jazz Days Festival in Calgary and Saskatchewan International Jazz Festival in Saskatoon in 2021, she was also a Saskatchewan Music Awards nominee. Her two albums: ''Entre Québec & Saskatchewan'' (2021) and ''Une porte s'ouvre'' (2018), were both voted #5 ‘'Best Saskatchewan Album of the Year'' and landed in the top 10 of the national jazz chart on !Earshot. The song 'Excusez-moi', co-written with Michelle Gregoire, was a semi-finalist in the Unsigned Only Competition. Her Holiday song ''The Shovel Shuffle'' landed in #10 position in Australia and in #1 position on Christmas Songs Radio.In 2019, MV was brought to Oxford (UK) for a recording session on Will Cox's debutalbum, “A Darkling Shore”. The session also included a number of other accomplished artists including Orlando Harrison (Alabama 3) and Lily Dior. This invitation came about after MV's participation in Pro7ect – a songwriters' and producers' retreat in Brighton, UK.In 2018, Marie-Véronique had the privilege to do the opening act for Carol Welsman. Since, she has also been invited as a guest artist with Christine Tassan et les Imposteures.Marie-Véronique is a member of the Regina Symphony Orchestra. She is also part of the Quarter Tones Flute Ensemble and they released an album, “Combine” in 2015. MV has toured throughout Switzerland, France, as well as in Québec, Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan.In 1992, MV auditioned for and won a place as a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, RCMP band. After its disbanding Marie-Véronique continued to serve as a police officer for more than 25 years. Her own musical journey continued.Born and raised in Québec, she studied classical music at the Conservatoire de musique de Québec where she was awarded First Prizes in flute and chamber music.Marie-Véronique found jazz in 2012 and trained first at the Carleton University Jazz Camp (2015), then in 2016 she continued at France's Dordogne International Jazz Summer School. The following year (2017) MV attended the Ambrose University Jazz Camp and since 2018 until present she has trained at the Ali Ryerson Jazz Flute Seminars in Hidden Valley, California. ----Marie-Véronique (MV) Bourque, une artiste extrêmement talentueuse de la Saskatchewan, n'a pas peur de sortir des sentiers battus. Ses chansons originales et ses interprétations uniques de standards de jazz (à la flûte et à la voix) se marient à merveille avec son genre musical qui peut être décrit comme « Jazz métissé ».Nominée au Trille Or 2023 et lauréate du concours Jazz Flute Big Band organisé par la National Flute Association, Marie-Véronique a été artiste invitée lors de l'International Jazz Days Festival à Calgary et du Saskatchewan International Jazz Festival à Saskatoon, En 2021, elle a également été nominée aux Saskatchewan Music Awards.Ses deux albums : ''Entre Québec & Saskatchewan'' (2021) et ''Une porte s'ouvre'' (2018), ont tous deux été votés #5 ''Meilleur album de l'année en Saskatchewan'' et se sont classés dans le top 10 du palmarès national du jazz sur !Earshot. La chanson 'Excusez-moi', co-écrite avec Michelle Gregoire, s'est positionnée en demi-finale du Unsigned Only Competition. Sa chanson hivernale ''The Shovel Shuffle'' s'est positionnée en 10ième position en Australie et en 1ière position sur Christmas Songs Radio.comEn 2019, MV a été invitée à Oxford (Royaume-Uni) pour une session d'enregistrement sur l'album de Will Cox 'A Darkling Shore'. La session comprenait également plusieurs autres artistes accomplis, dont Orlando Harrison (Alabama 3) et Lily Dior. Cette invitation est venue après la participation de MV à Pro7ect - une retraite d'auteurs-compositeurs et de producteurs à Brighton, au Royaume-Uni.En 2018, Marie-Véronique a eu le privilège de faire la première partie de Carol Welsman. Depuis, elle a également été l'invitée de Christine Tassan et les Imposteures.Marie-Véronique est membre de l'Orchestre symphonique de Regina. Elle fait également partie du Quarter Tones Flute Ensemble avec lequel elle a sorti l'album, 'Combine' en 2015. MV a tourné à travers la Suisse, la France, ainsi qu'au Québec, au Manitoba, en Alberta et en Saskatchewan.En 1992, MV a auditionné et a remporté une place en tant que membre de l'orchestre de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada. Après sa dissolution, Marie-Véronique a continué à servir comme policière pendant plus de 25 ans tout en continuant sa carrière musicale en parallèle.Née et ayant grandi au Québec, elle a étudié la musique classique au Conservatoire de musique de Québec où elle a obtenu des Premiers prix en flûte et en musique de chambre.Marie-Véronique découvre le jazz en 2012 et suit des formations d'abord au Carleton University Jazz Camp (2015), puis en 2016, elle suit un stage à l'École d'été internationale de jazz de la Dordogne en France. L'année suivante (2017), MV participe au camp de jazz de l'Université Ambrose et depuis 2018 jusqu'à aujourd'hui, elle poursuit sa formation en participant aux séminaires de flûte jazz donnés par Ali Ryerson au Hidden Valley Music Seminars en Californie.



We want to thank for their support: The Canada Council for the Arts, SOCAN, l' APCM, MusicAction, the Saskatchewan Arts Board, Le Conseil Culturel Fransaskois, SaskMusic, Creative Sask et le Creative City Centre.









3030 Victoria Ave

Regina, Saskatchewan

S4T 1K9, Canada